Table of Contents

Every project has a separate set of settings and user permissions that can be managed using the Project Settings page.

Graphlytic works without any special settings after connecting to a supported graph database, the only thing you have to set is the fulltext index (if you want to be able to use the search functionality). It's just a few clicks. More information and steps on how to set up the fulltext index can be found in the Search Settings.

1. Opening the Project Settings page

The Project Settings page can be opened in multiple ways:

1.Using the "Settings" option in the project's "Manage" menu (on the Projects page):

2.Using the "Project Settings" option in the Main Menu:

2. The layout of the Project Settings page

The Project Settings page consists of multiple panels used for different purposes. Shown in the picture below are:

(1) Project switch - used to switch between projects.

(2) Project Access Permissions - management of data access of various user groups in the project.

(3) Project's Settings - project-specific settings like queries, data schema, styles, etc.

(4) Auto-refresh Settings - enable/disable the auto-refresh feature in visualizations.

(5) Widget Management - add/remove/configure custom widgets in this project.

(6) Project Icons - add/remove custom icon groups available in visualizations in this project.

2.1. Project Switch

To switch between settings of various projects use the project switch (#1 in the picture above).

2.2. Project Permissions

This panel (#2 in the picture above) allows adding or removal of user groups from the project. Only users from assigned groups are able to access data in the graph.

Access permissions allow controlling how the users are accessing the data. There are three main groups of access permissions (see description in the next chapters):

  • (1) Application Permissions

  • (2) Property Security

  • (3) Entity Security

2.2.1. Application Permissions (1)

Application permissions set for a user group are shown in the "Permissions" column in the panel. These permissions allow to turn on/off certain features like sharing or exporting of data.

When particular permission is granted to a user group the permission is displayed as a green pill, and when the permission is revoked it's a red pill:

To change the application permissions for a group in a project edit the corresponding mapping (by clicking on the "Edit" icon in the right column). The application permissions are located in the first part of the modal window.

The application permissions can be used to control access of users to various features (see the next table for more details).

Permission title in the configuration window

Short title in the summary table


Export (CSV, images)


Allows exporting of data and images from the application.

Data Access

Data CUD

"Read&Write" or "Read-only" to disable the option to create or modify graph data. See Create, update, delete data for more details.

Data Restrictions

All Data

"No Restrictions" for full access or "Use Access Rules" to limit the access to the graph. When set to "Use Access Rules" additional parts (2) and (3) are shown in the modal window. Check the next chapters for details and examples of access rules configuration.

Visualization Sharing


Turning on/off the sharing feature. Users with this permission can share visualizations:

  • to any other user group of which they are a member, or

  • directly with members (users) in these groups, or

  • publicly - public visualizations are accessible to unauthenticated users (not logged-in) via an URL link or through listing on the Login page. Unautenticated user can only preview the visualization, with no access to data stored in the graph database (only data saved with the visualization is available).

More info can be found in the User Manual - Projects

Share visualization

Share Everyone

Use "To Anyone" to allow sharing of visualizations to all users in the project, or "In Groups" to allow users to share only with other users of their groups.

View all visualizations

View All Viz

Users with this permission can see all visualizations in the project (used for admins or in smaller teams to increase the flexibility of collaboration). Users without this permission can view only visualizations created by them or shared with them.

2.2.2. Property Security (2)

With Property Security it is possible to enable or disable certain properties for user groups in the project. The rules are based on two lists of properties:

  • Enabled properties - if the property is listed in this list it's enabled unless it's disabled (listed in the disabled properties list).

  • Disabled properties - if the property is listed in this list it's disabled and no user from this group will be able to access the data stored in this property.

A few notes about the rules:

  • If the property is listed in both lists (enabled and disabled), the property is disabled.

  • If the user is a member of multiple groups and a particular property is disabled in one group's permissions and enabled in others then the property is enabled for the user.

2.2.3. Entity Security (3)

Entity Security allows limiting graph access for a group of users. Using Access Rule stacking it's possible to define multiple enabled areas in the graph and the final accessible part of the graph will be the union of the parts defined in the rules. Every Access Rule consists of:

  • Node Labels or Relationship Types - list of labels/types allowed by this rule.

  • Property conditions - list of properties and their values that will be allowed by this rule. If multiple property values are listed then all of them are allowed (logical OR).

For example: let's imagine we have a graph of Agents in car dealerships selling different car Brands and we want to make access to the data for an office managing UK dealerships for three specific car brands. We can do this using two Access Rules - one restricting the Location of Agents and the other limiting the Brands (shown in the picture below).

2.3. Project Settings

Project settings (pictured above) provide a way to export and import all project-scoped settings in one place. Most of the settings are managed in a user-friendly way in various panels on the Project Settings page, in the visualization, or on the Queries page. This panel is mainly for the convenience of exporting and importing all settings in one zip file.

To export the project settings just click on the “Export Settings” button. This will download a zip file that contains all settings in separate JSON files.

To import the settings use the Import drag&drop panel or locate the file manually using the “Choose a file” link. The whole zip file can be imported, or a zip file containing only some of the JSON files or a single JSON file. The name of the JSON files has to be unchanged because the name is used to determine which configuration is being imported.

Find details about specific setting options in the following chapters:

2.3.1. Visualization default settings

Some of the project settings can be used to set the default configuration of every newly-created visualization:

  • Data Schema - use Data Schema to format property values (decimal places, currency symbols, or date formats), create global virtual properties, or define input restrictions for graph editing use cases.

  • Visualization - default settings for any newly-created visualization. Default style mappers, titles, tooltips, thresholds, and much more can be changed in this setting.

  • Optional but highly recommended is to define Style Mappers. Style Mappers objects are used to define rules on how to visually map the data in the graph to style properties like icons, colors, sizes, etc. Created style mapper objects are listed in the "Style" tab in visualization where you can apply them to style the visualization.

The Visualization and Style Mappers settings can be set with one click from any Visualization - the "Save as default" button is located at the bottom of the Settings tab. First style the visualization as you like and then save the settings with the button. After that, any newly created visualization will use the exact same configuration as a default config on initialization.

2.4. Auto-refresh

The auto-refresh panel can be used to enable the automatic data refresh in all visualizations of this project. Every data refresh checks the state of visualized nodes and relationships in the graph database and when aby property has changed the user is notified and changed elements are highlighted in the visualization.

  • When the “Show auto-refresh” switch is on this button is added to the toolbox in visualizations:

  • When “Enabled” is turned on, the added button is ON by default (when a visualization is opened or created), and when it’s turned off, the button is OFF by default.

  • Interval sets the number of seconds between every data refresh API call. 10 seconds is the minimal interval length.

2.5. Widget Management

Read more about visualization extensions called widgets on the Widgets page.

2.6. Project Icons

Read more about adding custom icons to a project on the Custom Icons page.