Table of Contents

Install Graphlytic

After this installation, Graphlytic will start automatically after the operating system is started.

Graphlytic application will be started by user 'graphlytic'. Create this user with home directory:

$ sudo useradd -m graphlytic
$ sudo usermod -L graphlytic

Copy Graphlytic installation package "graphlytic-<version>.tar.gz" into the /tmp/ directory.

Create the installation directory and change the owner of the directory:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/graphlytic /var/log/graphlytic
$ sudo chown -R graphlytic:graphlytic /usr/share/graphlytic /var/log/graphlytic

Copy the installation package and unpack it:

$ sudo su graphlytic
graphlytic:$ cp /tmp/graphlytic-<version>.tar.gz /usr/share/graphlytic
graphlytic:$ cd /usr/share/graphlytic
graphlytic:$ tar zxvf graphlytic-<version>.tar.gz

Configure Graphlytic

Graphlytic's configuration is stored in the "conf/graphlytic.conf" file.

The configuration contains (among other options):

  • Location of important directories like logs, custom icons, and widgets.
  • Default SMTP connection.
  • Default password strength.
  • Branding options.

For all options and examples of how to use them please refer to Configuration.

To configure Graphlytic run this command (this is an optional step):

graphlytic:$ vi /usr/share/graphlytic/conf/graphlytic.conf

HTTP vs. HTTPS configuration

To change the starting script's configuration run this command (this is an optional step):

graphlytic:$ chmod a+x /usr/share/graphlytic/bin/graphlyticd
graphlytic:$ vi /usr/share/graphlytic/bin/graphlyticd

Edit the starting script file to use HTTP or HTTPS (or both) for connecting to the Graphlytic web application. This is an optional step (default config is HTTP and HTTPS both enabled).

# use this script with created service
# disable or enable HTTP/HTTPS. To disable comment od remove line

Copy the init script and enable the service:

$ sudo cp /usr/share/graphlytic/bin/graphlytic-init-rhel /etc/init.d/graphlytic
$ sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/graphlytic
$ sudo systemctl enable graphlytic.service

Check if the service was enabled:

$ sudo find /etc/rc?.d/ -name "*graphlytic*"
expected result: