Permission needed: Data management

Users with this permission can create, update or delete data from the database in Graphlytic. GUI form for creating elements can be customized using the "nodeAttributeGroups" attribute in the Data Schema.

Create node

Nodes can be created in the Visualization.

  1. Open or create a visualization.
  2. Use the "Create node" icon.
  3. Fill in the mandatory or optional data.
  4. Confirm by pressing the "Save" button.

Node is created in the graph database and added to the visualization.

Update node

Nodes can be updated in the Visualization.

  1. Open or create a visualization.
  2. Select a node in the visualization.
  3. Open the Detail tab in the right panel.
  4. Choose whether you want to edit the node labels or properties.
  5. Enter the new data and confirm by pressing the "Save" button.

Delete node

Nodes can be deleted on the Search page or in the Visualization.

Queries page

  1. Main menu (top right) - Queries page
  2. Use a "Node Filter" query type.
  3. Enter search criteria to find the node.
  4. Click on the "Delete" icon next to the node in the search result. A confirmation window is shown.


  1. Open or create a visualization.
  2. Select a node in the visualization.
  3. Top menu - use the "Delete selected from database" icon to delete all selected elements. The confirmation window is shown

Create relationship

Relationships can be created in the Visualization.


  1. Open or create a visualization.
  2. Use the "Create new edge" icon to turn on the relationships drawing tool.
  3. Click and start dragging from a start node in the visualization (start the dragging from the red dot that will be displayed after hovering over the start node).
  4. Drag the cursor to the end node and once you reach the end node release the mouse button. You can create several relationships with the same data by dragging the cursor over multiple nodes.
  5. Enter data into the create form and confirm by pressing the "Save" button.